Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Sorry to my friends and family

In no way is this meant to be mean or in any form of sarcasm. I am a rude person. Here lately I have been told by a few friends and family that I have really been hurting their feelings. I have a bad problem of not following up on what I say I will do. For instance if you call me and I am busy which more then likely that will be any given day at any given time. I will say hello then tell you I have to call you later. Well the thing is I probably will not call you back. I am sorry. I stay busy. I plan way to many things in a day. After I get off of work I literally do not sit down until it is time for dinner. Even then at many times I am trying to eat while doing what ever is on my mind. After that I do Kiersten's homework with her. Then try to get our showers in before she falls asleep. My poor Kiersten has been going to sleep before 6 anymore. So after she is asleep I do all my days chores. The Galovics home is so unorganized. It has been since Ryan had to leave and it will be until he comes back home. I really do not mean to hurt any ones feelings when I do not follow up on what I say. I do however have good intentions. Again I am sorry.. Once Ryan comes home I will get back to being somewhat of a dependable friend again! It is funny how when someone says something to you all of a sudden you start hearing the same thing from others! I just wish it would have been brought to my attention sooner then this. Sorry guys I will try to do better! I really do love all my friends and my family. Without you guys I do not know what my life would have been like this past year. You all will never know what an impact you have had on my life and I thank each and everyone of you for all your love and support..

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