Friday, May 15, 2009

A question I can't find the answer to

Kiersten and I was on our way home from school. She hugged me with a smile and asked the question that I can't find the words to answer back. This is the same question that she has asked Ryan and I for almost 2 years now. Yep when will she have a bother or a sister. Today was different. She was really emotionally about it. She leaned over to me in the truck and said "mom I am begging you please, please mom will you have me a bother or a sister" I told her that I could not promise her anything. So I said that we had to many animals right now. That didn't work. I don't know why that wouldn't work :) Then she so clearly said how all I needed to do was go and get me a pregnancy test to see if I was pregnant. I told her that I did yesterday and nope no babies any time soon. She smiled and said "well good thing dad is coming home then I will have my bother" Oh yeah my truck pulled over on the curb. I looked at her scared to "ask" the all time dreaded question a mother can ask. "Kiersten why does daddy need to come home for that" thank god for the innocents of a child she said "cause you listen to my dad and if he says he wants a little boy then you will take a test and i will have a bother" Sometimes Kiersten can melt my heart and remind me just how blessed I was to have been able to have her. Ryan and I may never have this bother and sister she wants so much but at least we was fortunate to have Kiersten.

1 comment:

:o) said...

Awwwwww that's so cute....Girl! Get her a brother!!!! :) I want a nephew too! :) So you and Ryan get to work!!! :) love ya dont' hate me