Saturday night I was at the house all alone. Kiersten was at a sleep over. Come 4am I was awoken to thunder, lighting, hard wind and the sound of banging out back. Yes I was SCARED. My poor dog Dozer jumped up in the bed shaking. I came into the living room tripping over him cause he would not get out from under my feet. I sat on the couch holding him until he calmed down.. I wish someone could have held me :) That shit was scary! I wasn't brave enough to look out back during all of this. At that moment I thought a special monster that only comes out during storms would get me through the window. To be honest with you I cant tell you why I was scared to look out the window. It was just that creepy!!! I waited until daylight. As you can see you know what happened. I was so disappointed. For real I am really upset. That was my little quite spot. Ok, I can't lie. That was my SMOKING section. Man that sucks. Well poop tomorrow I am planing to finally be able to make a trip to Home Depot and see what master plan I have to try to "fix" this. If it can't be fixed
then I will drag it to the curb and get another one!! Sorry Ryan, it was a B-I-T-C-H to put it together.
Damn that sucks! I have an could give up smoking. I believe the fact that the storm took out your "smoking section" is literally a "sign from above". LOL!!!
:( That sucks!! It looks like it was a very pretty set when it wasn't broken and falling apart. I agree with "team manager," maybe it's a sign you're supposed to stop smoking ;)
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