A rose bush can go from one of the ugliest sights of dead sticks all bunched together with brown leaves to beauty. The only time they are pretty is when they bloom a rose. Which is what 5 weeks out of the whole year? This however is during the time which they are absolutely beautiful!! Here is a picture of my only rose bloom so far. Times like these are when I get out and give my roses bushes plenty of water. The rest of the year I just wish death on the bushes cause well they are not a pleasant sight at all!
Love Horoscope For Leo
1 year ago
AWWW, so pretty! We planted a bunch of bulbs in our front flower bed and a mini garden in our back yard! It's so exciting to see all of it sprouting and growing after all of our hard work....we have spinach, brussels sprouts, cucumbers and peas all sprouting! Hope your rose bush stays beautiful for a while!
pretty pic, im suprised you got that close to it with that spider crawling out of the petal area!
You usually freak out!
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