Friday, May 22, 2009

Spring cleaning

Yep it is in the air! Can you smell the Windex, Clorox, Pinsol, Soapscum Bubbles and Freebrez? As much as I love the house afterwards the whole process sucks. In order to TRULY spring clean you make your entire house a mess. I have to give Kiersten her little map to make it one room to the other. I think my dog Dozer actually barked "oh shit" this morning. He has been through 8 of my spring cleanings!! Cleaning out closets, throwing things away that I haven't used in a year, trips to the Goodwill and of course trying to convince my friends why they should take some of my old crap that I don't want. So far I have taken all the curtains down throughout the house and gave them a good wash. Pulled 5 large area rugs to the back yard. Washed them with the hose, then gave them a good spray with vinegar now I am waiting for them to air dry. Oh and I scrubbed the drive way. All my neighbors stared but I don't care I now have the cleanness drive way. The smell of Dawn dish soap and bleach when I pull into my driveway! I have so much more to do. So this is my boring life and what I will be doing the rest of the weekend.. Wish everyone a safe and enjoyable one.....

P.S. If anyone wants some crap just let me know!!!!!

Monday, May 18, 2009

could care less

If this video upsets anyone with your relationship with me. Then you do not need to come back on this site. In no means do I mean to offend anyone. I am talking about live abortion here. Where the "parent" actually gives birth to a live baby then it is left to die. This is as wrong as wrong can be. These are live born babies here.

if it doesn't let you click on it. You should really consider typing it in and checking it out for yourself.....

Saturday, May 16, 2009


Ryan will be home in a couple of weeks. I have a years worth of things that needed, meant, wanted, and tried to do before he was due to come back home. Bam the time has come. I wonder just how many projects I can finish before his plane lands? Procasinator? Yes sir that would be me. Why put off until tomorrow when you can do it today? Cause life is just easier that's way. Kiersten is just beside herself about her daddy coming back home. love you all, tootles

Friday, May 15, 2009

A question I can't find the answer to

Kiersten and I was on our way home from school. She hugged me with a smile and asked the question that I can't find the words to answer back. This is the same question that she has asked Ryan and I for almost 2 years now. Yep when will she have a bother or a sister. Today was different. She was really emotionally about it. She leaned over to me in the truck and said "mom I am begging you please, please mom will you have me a bother or a sister" I told her that I could not promise her anything. So I said that we had to many animals right now. That didn't work. I don't know why that wouldn't work :) Then she so clearly said how all I needed to do was go and get me a pregnancy test to see if I was pregnant. I told her that I did yesterday and nope no babies any time soon. She smiled and said "well good thing dad is coming home then I will have my bother" Oh yeah my truck pulled over on the curb. I looked at her scared to "ask" the all time dreaded question a mother can ask. "Kiersten why does daddy need to come home for that" thank god for the innocents of a child she said "cause you listen to my dad and if he says he wants a little boy then you will take a test and i will have a bother" Sometimes Kiersten can melt my heart and remind me just how blessed I was to have been able to have her. Ryan and I may never have this bother and sister she wants so much but at least we was fortunate to have Kiersten.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Is that a wiener in your mouth?

Yep that is Falon! Jenny, Jessica, Falon, Myself and the children went to Hooters for our Mothers Day. The other restaurants was loaded with mom's, but who doesn't like a Hooter's lunch? Just so happens Falon's birthday is on Tuesday. I asked the waiter to embarrass the soon to be 23 year old. She said "well we will pull her up here and sing to her" and of course I didn't think that was enough. I asked if they would put a wiener in her mouth. She said that she has never seen or heard of them doing that but she will ask the manager. The manager was on board!! Falon being such a good sport put that lovely wiener in her mouth with the bucket on her head. She did some dancing for us to the beat of the birthday song. It was so funny. We was laughing so hard at our table. The children found it just as fun as we did.. Oh man I wish we had a video of it. Funny stuff. Another holiday over during this deployment. Friends can make the sad times turn into a great day!

P.S. Hooters staff came to our table and told us that this was the best birthday experience they have seen!! Well of course it was! :0 :)

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Sorry to my friends and family

In no way is this meant to be mean or in any form of sarcasm. I am a rude person. Here lately I have been told by a few friends and family that I have really been hurting their feelings. I have a bad problem of not following up on what I say I will do. For instance if you call me and I am busy which more then likely that will be any given day at any given time. I will say hello then tell you I have to call you later. Well the thing is I probably will not call you back. I am sorry. I stay busy. I plan way to many things in a day. After I get off of work I literally do not sit down until it is time for dinner. Even then at many times I am trying to eat while doing what ever is on my mind. After that I do Kiersten's homework with her. Then try to get our showers in before she falls asleep. My poor Kiersten has been going to sleep before 6 anymore. So after she is asleep I do all my days chores. The Galovics home is so unorganized. It has been since Ryan had to leave and it will be until he comes back home. I really do not mean to hurt any ones feelings when I do not follow up on what I say. I do however have good intentions. Again I am sorry.. Once Ryan comes home I will get back to being somewhat of a dependable friend again! It is funny how when someone says something to you all of a sudden you start hearing the same thing from others! I just wish it would have been brought to my attention sooner then this. Sorry guys I will try to do better! I really do love all my friends and my family. Without you guys I do not know what my life would have been like this past year. You all will never know what an impact you have had on my life and I thank each and everyone of you for all your love and support..

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

An eye sore to beauty

A rose bush can go from one of the ugliest sights of dead sticks all bunched together with brown leaves to beauty. The only time they are pretty is when they bloom a rose. Which is what 5 weeks out of the whole year? This however is during the time which they are absolutely beautiful!! Here is a picture of my only rose bloom so far. Times like these are when I get out and give my roses bushes plenty of water. The rest of the year I just wish death on the bushes cause well they are not a pleasant sight at all!

Saturday Nights Storm.

Saturday night I was at the house all alone. Kiersten was at a sleep over. Come 4am I was awoken to thunder, lighting, hard wind and the sound of banging out back. Yes I was SCARED. My poor dog Dozer jumped up in the bed shaking. I came into the living room tripping over him cause he would not get out from under my feet. I sat on the couch holding him until he calmed down.. I wish someone could have held me :) That shit was scary! I wasn't brave enough to look out back during all of this. At that moment I thought a special monster that only comes out during storms would get me through the window. To be honest with you I cant tell you why I was scared to look out the window. It was just that creepy!!! I waited until daylight. As you can see you know what happened. I was so disappointed. For real I am really upset. That was my little quite spot. Ok, I can't lie. That was my SMOKING section. Man that sucks. Well poop tomorrow I am planing to finally be able to make a trip to Home Depot and see what master plan I have to try to "fix" this. If it can't be fixed
then I will drag it to the curb and get another one!! Sorry Ryan, it was a B-I-T-C-H to put it together.