Diamonds, a girls best friend. To make a long story short Lisa didn't get her best friend! Kiersten and I had a blast trying. Dad, Kiersten and I arrived at our hotel after 7 hours and we called it a night. The next morning we woke up to pouring rain. My father wasn't feeling well so he stayed back. Kiersten and I put on our matching pink with horse's rain boots and we took off to get rich! The fields to find these diamonds was a swamp. I can not describe what a mud walk it took to get to the hunt. It was such a sight. Every time we would take a step one of our boots would be stuck in the mud behind us. All you could hear was children screaming and parents yelling at them to not get mud on their cloths.-HELLO- Kiersten and I turned to each other and started cracking up. We laughed so hard. Laughing did not one bit help us trample through the mud. Kiersten picked our lucky spot to dig for findings. There we was in the field of dreams! What would we do if we found a "BIG ONE'' I, of course I would have purchased Ryan his new bass boat. What else would I have possibly bought? I am so glad we took this trip. I just wish my father would have felt better then what he did so he could have went with us. I can not go without saying my Kiersten is such a good sport. She really truly tries pretty much anything you throw out there for her without complaining. I love that little girl. I am so blessed. I have so much fun being not only a mom but a mother and a friend.
Love Horoscope For Leo
1 year ago
Looks like tons of fun!!
It is sweet to see that you have so much fun with your daughter. It is also good to see that you let her get dirty every once in a while. What fun! I want to come next time and the boots are the cutest.
*love the boots*
Looks like that would be lots of fun! You guys do so many neat things together. Kiersten's a very lucky girl :) To bad you didn't find a big "rock." Hope your all's visit with your dad was good!
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