The weather in Texas today was absolutely beautiful. Have you ever been outside and the temperature was perfect not to hot or cold? The wind blowing slow and the smell of the air indescribable? Today was that kind of day. I have always said it was Ryan's weather. I think of him on day's like today. As soon as I walked outside I had a smile on my face and tears in my eyes. It doesn't make a differences if he is deployed or here.
Seeing how today was perfect and last nights cat fishing didn't go as we had hoped we tried it again. Kiersten really wanted to catch a fish. This time her buddy's came along. Off to the fishing hole we went. Somehow I was the designated worm killer. Jenny wouldn't even touch the worms. HELLO!!!! It is a worm. We had baby wipes to wipe off the yuck. The sweetest thing was said from the little boy named Tanner. He came to me with his hook. I said "grab you a worm and bait that hook" he said so sadly "but they look so cute I just can't" Of course I couldn't say no. I expected to do it for Kaitlyn she is just cute like that. Jenny come on. You didn't do or say anything cute. Why did I bait your hook? The funny part was Jenny's was the one that I had to keep baiting. The rest of our worms managed to stay on. Maybe it is because they didn't come out there with a PINK open face fishing pole. The reason for buying it for the sol purpose of it being "pretty" There is NO pretty in fishing! As you can tell from the pictures Kiersten and Kaitlyn decided that walking in the lake was better than fishing. No one caught anything again. :(
That looks like so much fun! What a good Mommy you are Lisa. BTW, I knew Jenny was really a girl. She tries to play off like she is sooo tough, but she is really a girly girl, LOL! I dare Jenny to eat a worm!!! Oh, its on...
Ah...No I am not a girly girl amd I will not eat a worm, I can't even touch it :)
Right on Jenn :)Is there some sort of trick to make her stop LOL
UM, what would life be like if I just stopped talking????? For real. The fish didn't bite so maybe you two can bite me!
lmao If you just stopped talking I don't know what would happen cuz it would never happen! :)
I wanna go fishing! I haven't been in forever :( It's always fun, even if the fish don't bite. And don't worry know I'm not much of a talker but I still get yelled at for talking when we go fishing!
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