Ok everyone, I SUCK at proper English. School was for socializing not learning. Come on so I say THERE for EVERYTHING instead of the occasionally their!!! I went back and edited A LOT of the post to "correct the problem". If you see was, instead of where, or the other way around.. Look over it!! If there, is a there, instead of their Oh come on look over it :):):):):) Thank you my sister Jennie for pointing that one out to me. You know what? You got all the good grades but I sure had a lot of fun (i was feeding the ducks, you, well you fed the rabbits) Again sorry.. It is my blog I can write as I wish. I am going to take my ball and go home.Oh, and if you haven't noticed I never know the correct place to put a , either. Classes was so boring to me. YUCK to school. Say no to dope. I will get TOLD the HECK off for the duck and rabbit comment. Yeah I said it, go ahead and call me. My sister and I had these little "Codes" growing up so our parents wouldn't have a clue what we, I mean I was doing. The problem was I never told Jennie what our "codes" was or what they "really" meant. She didn't ever do the code thing. I was left hanging a few times, a BUNCH of times actually. But I sure would REPEAT the "code" many times, loudley for her while I was in trouble. Shoot I got grounded a lot. FYI NEVER EVER tell you parents when they ask why you did what you did "well I figured since I was on thin ice I would dance" It only makes it worst. Hey Jennie I am giving you a kiss. You know what that code meant!!!!!!!!!!!!! SAKE AND BAKE!!!!
Love Horoscope For Leo
1 year ago
I was grounded alot even was told to NOT go see "My friend" alot because of you and that "Rabbit" comment! ;O) LOLOLOL You would do anything to get my butt "caught" too so you wouldn't be the only one grounded! LOLOLOL omg those were the days....
Momma didn't raise no fool...if you're going down, you go by yourself! hahahaha!!!! Your problem was...you'd tell on yourself! I was quiet so I never got caught! :o)
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