* When the weather gets to be over 93 out, is my car suppose to smell like rotten milk?
* Why aren't my animals scared of me?
* Why doesn't my daughter fear me when I tell her she better listen to me?
* Is it normal to be able to wear your spouses shoes?
* Why can't I find the odor in my bathroom?
* When does good things happen for good people?
* How can food spoil in the fridge?
* Does anyone else laugh at their own jokes even is no one else thinks they are funny?
* Why can't the presidential election come any sooner?
* When someone tells you NO, what does that mean exactly?
* Why doesn't Kiersten want to be a flower girl?
* Why does Kiersten say she is about to throw up when I show her flower girl dresses?
* Why do I find gas to be so funny. I will laugh at myself if I am alone in my house it's just entertaining.
* Who was the first to ask "why did the chicken cross the road" ?
* Why do so many play the lottery, it is making my chances of winning so much less.
* Are you scared of little tree monsters at night when it rains?
* Why do these little monsters make the branches tap on my windows at night?
* Why does the fruit Kumquat sound so dirty?
* Have you ever had a friend sport around the "camel toe" and you didn't have the heart to tell them?
* What is the purpose of a Cockroach?
* Why can't I rear end cars that cut in front of me without my insurance paying?
* Why do I always feel like I have to catch up to the car in front of me no matter how far away they are?
* Does my husband really work, he comes home smelling the same as when he left?
* Why do men have so many hobbies that never gets finish?
* How do we fit so much crap into our house?
* Would it be unusual if I had a yard sale on a week day after 5 pm. I don't like waking up early on the weekends just to be rushed.
* Who honestly washes their cloths before wearing them the first time?
* How come when you watch a dog poo you will get a sty on your eye. For real just ask my husband!
* What do I want to be when I grow up?
*Why was life so easy growing up when my parents went out back and picked money off the money tree?
* Where can I steal this money tree?
* Does anyone else ever want to run over all the orange cones so nicely placed in the construction sites?
* Am I the only one that has ran them over?
* Do you ever find yourself talking to yourself?
* Do you ever get into a fight and start yelling then your daughter ask who you are talking to?
* Do you say that you was singing a Melissa Etheridge song like I do?
* Can Jack Russel's really poo that much in 3 hours?
Love Horoscope For Leo
1 year ago
I thought I'd help you answer 1 of your questions for you -
Yes - you really do need counseling
Counseling is for quitters. When they are tired of people judging them so much they just give up and start therapy.
Doesn't everyone?
Cuz it's You
LOL Does anyone fear you really?
I'll leave this alone
check your lower lip
I'm still waiting, does this mean I'm bad?
Wish I knew
I laugh constantly!
Be nice
go ahead but once you are caught you'r on your own
because she only wants to be for Aunt Jennie!
R they pretty?
you sound Bored
what is the answer?
sorry I'll stop but when you win, I get half
I'm scared on a sunny day
its a person not a monster
LOL say it slowly....
Lisa, I've got something to tell you....
To scareyou
try not to do that
it's in your blood, U gotta be #1
He it's n' plays cards all day
Yeah Why?
I wanna know too
be cooler outside
not always
thought you wantd to be a stripper
My tree died
plant a $1 and it will grow
I did on accident,just 1 tho
No fight, I just "express" myself
There ya go hope that helps ya Lisa :)
I love the Highwayman song! That was and still is my favorite!!! :) yaaaaaay
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