My friend Jenny was invited to this roller skating party. The catch was you had to live in 1 of the 2 villages to be able to attend. Well, these two villages is officers only... As you all know Ryan is enlisted... So enlisted wasn't invited!!!!!!!!!!!! But I went anyways.. Jenny "made" me go with her. Kiersten had a blast. She finally started to pick up on it towards the end. Jenny and her three children was skating. I was walking/running with Kiersten while she was skating, she didn't want to let go of my arm. Finally once Kiersten started to let go and do it on her own I put on my skates.. Lord help me. First thing I said to Kiersten was do not grab me if you are going to fall, you are on your own (just like swimming I can only save myself. I will only say this once, if you are swimming with me, we both ain't going down.)!!!!!!! I go out there Kiersten starts to fall, she grabs me and down I went. I pulled them stupid skates off and finished with my socks on. I was really proud of the Jenny's children and Kiersten.. The picture with the four of them are her 3 kids and kiersten, this is the gang. They are either at my house. Or Kiersten is over there.....
Love Horoscope For Leo
1 year ago
1 comment:
So glad Kiersten had so much fun :)
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