Have you ever heard "YOU WILL NEVER HAVE FRIENDS LIKE YOU DID WHEN YOU WAS 6"? Have you ever sat and thought just what did that mean. These are just my thoughts on it. When you was 6 you had no worries. You just hung out and played all the cute little fun games. Just played. As you become older your friends change, you start to become a different person. Then comes the teenage years. Oh my friends at that age I'm telling you what. You start to have "real secrets" someone will be so grounded if you told that kind of a secret. You start getting into boys. Pretty soon as time goes you slowly loose your friends. Your dating life has begun as well as their.s. This is what is important to you at this age. You get dumped then you start calling your friends again. Your friend gets dumped and you are happy on the inside laughing (maybe i am not a good friend, i don't know) You graduate from High School. One by one your classmates move/become married. Then you meet that someone. Not a, ok lets hang out, yeah lets go see a movie. The person in your life. You start your life as a family. Eventually you find different friends. These friends are special to you. Now you share more then secrets with them. Life when you are older just brings in the weight of all your burdens. Whether or not you are dealing with bad times or not your friends may very well be. Trying so hard to be supportive even at times you don't know how. Even if it isn't your life you still lay down at night worrying about them. When we was 6 how fun was that. No bills, cleaning, job, spouse deployed, questions from your children that you just can't find the correct words to try to explain why their dad isn't coming home today. Don't get me wrong I love being a wife, and a parent. I don't know if I can say I love having a job with a serious look on my face. I sat today while one of Kiersten's friends was here playing. Just listening to there conversation. Really just listening to what was important to them in their little life. Laughing when they would be bothered over something so small, but to them their little hearts was broke. I think today I have figured out what that saying really means. Look at these girls they are truly having the time of their life. You can't fence time. Our children will be our age before we know it. Wow this whole serious talk is sooo not me. I am going to get off here and go take a shower or take a happy pill or something. Yeah I can't be doing this..
Love Horoscope For Leo
1 year ago
lol Girl was you sitting in a smokey room with black lights on? lol Cuz you trying to get all deep and crap lol Yeah, that's not you...but, yeah, know what you mean. Just think back when we was in high school...all of the 'important' stuff then! Now you look back and think "What the hell was I thinking!?"
love your blog. love your music. love it. LOVE IT!
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