Are you really ready to read about the life of Ryan, Lisa and Kiersten?
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Country Squirrel Hunting!
I had a couple of pictures of our trip in Ryan's phone. How could I have forgotten these!!!!! While in Kentucky, Kiersten wanted to go squirrel hunting. Ryan, Kiersten and Gramps went one morning out on my fathers land. I stayed back at dad's house. As much as Kiersten always said she wanted to go and shoot a squirrel I didn't think she would be able to bring herself to actually go hunting. They took off early morning back in the hills. A couple hours later dad and I was sitting on the front porch and around the house Kiersten came a running so excited and laughing. She almost threw the thing into my face. I couldn't help but to laugh. It had a stick shoved into it's foot so she could carry it. She was so excited about it and I was too. Until she said that she wanted Gramps to fry it up so she could eat it. And they did. They fried it up and Kiersten ate her some squirrel meat. Oh how I miss country living. Some will not know what to think of this but others they know exactly what I mean by saying how I miss country living. Ain't nothing else like it!!!! I am and will always be proud of my roots.. Back in the mountains of Eastern Kentucky is where both myself and Ryan was raised!!! Ryan and I have been away from home for 10 years now. I really miss Kentucky and all my family.
i love country living, too....but....squirrel hunting? A deer yes, but a squirrel? That poor child :) Tell dad to take her phesant (if i spelled that right) hunting! or Turkey! :)
Country living is great. Rob did the "weird" hunting...hee hee. I will always hold the hunting trips my daddy took us on dear to me, when we were kids, he would deer and boar hunt. Although, I came from Florida, we came from the country & even a little swamp area.
Read all the post and you can figure out "about me". I have found that I don't have a description about myself. What I can tell you is that I love being a mother. My daughter has a great personality and I wouldn't change a thing about her or who she is. I am blessed with a wonderful husband who is able to make you smile at even the worst of times. He is such a good man. I will keep him around!
OKAY friends and family. We get only one chance, one adventure in this crazy life of ours. MAKE THE BEST OF IT, MAKE IT WORTH IT. Go and do something wild and uncalled for. Why not? Walk up to a stranger and put a smile on their face, I don't know. I believe that you should make the best out of the good and bad times. If your not happy then what is the point? Enjoy life guys, you only get it one time. When it is over, it's over, there is no going back. Learn from the past and make tomorrow better...
sorry jennie i stole another one!
Love for music
I love music. I love to listen to a good song while I am driving, seating and relaxing at the house, cleaning, taking a bath, crying, laughing or playing it just doesn't matter. I am finding Kiersten has a love for music as well. I am surprised at some of the songs she knows the words too. I love music and I love that Kiersten does as well. If the song has a good story behind it I can listen to it over and over.. I am counting the nights until Ryan returns. To be able to seat and listen to him play the guitar and sing is one of the things I miss the most. We have had some crazy memories with him and that guitar. While friends are over, us taking the weekend to camp or just us hanging around the house. I would rather turn off the T.V. and listen to the radio any day.
First off I have the best little girl and husband, I will fight anyone for that title!!!! I have a large family and I love my family. Every family has thier ups and downs. Mine has and it is hard to handle at times, but we all get through it. I have my wonderful family as well as being married into a wonderful family. Hopefully everyone knows me for me. I really try to be myself. If I can't then I am only lying to Lisa. Like I have said before I am so blessed to have the man in my life that I do. A lot will be happening this year. I can't wait for it. Ryan will be returning to us:) :) you have no clue how excited Keirsten and I are about that.. Ryan's sister Amber will become Miss Ryan Brown!!! Ryan will finally beable to see his niece Brooke. She will be turning 2 by the time he comes home. And hopefully Ryan's truck will be out of the garage. Oh my, I don't even want to get into that one!!!! Like I said I have a wonderful family blood, as well as married into.. I love each and every one of you..
I have learned not to worry about love; but to honor its coming with all my heart
If you must speak ill of another, do not speak it..write it in the sand near the water's edge
what we see depends mainly on what we are looking for
If you rest, you rust
Laughter is higher then all pain
A dreamcatcher works, if your dream is to be gay..
friendship is like peeing on yourself.everyone can see it,but only you get the warm feeling that it brings.
If you are going to walk on thin ice, you might as well dance
Just wanted to say thank you for being interested in my Blog's. Hope you enjoy reading in on my life at time to time. I love advise, laughter, and love so at any time feel free to leave a comment for me!!!!!!! Enjoy the life of the Kentucky folks!!!!!!!!!!
i love country living, too....but....squirrel hunting? A deer yes, but a squirrel? That poor child :) Tell dad to take her phesant (if i spelled that right) hunting! or Turkey! :)
Country living is great. Rob did the "weird" hunting...hee hee. I will always hold the hunting trips my daddy took us on dear to me, when we were kids, he would deer and boar hunt. Although, I came from Florida, we came from the country & even a little swamp area.
p.s. GO GATORS!!!
Oh and I meant to congratulate, Miss Kiersten on her squirrel. Rambo loves squirrel hunting, they should get together sometime...hee hee.
put up more blog pic stuff!!!!!!!!!
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