Friday, July 24, 2009

Giving Back

I have always been one that would rather give then to receive. I would love Kiersten to get involved with volunteer work as well. At her age, and this is just my personal beliefs, I don't think she is ready for a food pantry or feeding the homeless. I do not think she is to young to help. She is to young to understand why some people live in the streets. To young to understand why some do not have family that can help them out. When the time comes where Kiersten will learn to understand I will be more then willing to let her volunteer. Until then I came up with something else. I thought since Kiersten loves animals we can help out there. I went to the NO KILL animal shelter this morning and signed us up for our volunteer services. We start 7 am Monday morning. Some of our task will be cleaning the dog kennels, cat litter boxes, feed and water all animals and walking the dogs. Kiersten is so excited to do this. She understands that we are there to work not just play and that we can not take any of the pets home with us. I am really excited about giving back and I am so happy that she is as well.