Monday, July 27, 2009

Sleep over

Saturday Kiersten and her three friends came over for the night. Ryan thought it would be fun to put up a tent and camp out in the back yard. The kids and Ryan went out in the field of trees behind the house and gathered wood for the fire pit. We made strawberry and chocolate S'mores. After the mess of the marshmallows we played light tag in the trees. We had a lot of fun. Even though it was last min and in the back yard everyone had a blast, until they decided to tell ghost stories!

Friday, July 24, 2009

Giving Back

I have always been one that would rather give then to receive. I would love Kiersten to get involved with volunteer work as well. At her age, and this is just my personal beliefs, I don't think she is ready for a food pantry or feeding the homeless. I do not think she is to young to help. She is to young to understand why some people live in the streets. To young to understand why some do not have family that can help them out. When the time comes where Kiersten will learn to understand I will be more then willing to let her volunteer. Until then I came up with something else. I thought since Kiersten loves animals we can help out there. I went to the NO KILL animal shelter this morning and signed us up for our volunteer services. We start 7 am Monday morning. Some of our task will be cleaning the dog kennels, cat litter boxes, feed and water all animals and walking the dogs. Kiersten is so excited to do this. She understands that we are there to work not just play and that we can not take any of the pets home with us. I am really excited about giving back and I am so happy that she is as well.

Monday, July 20, 2009

YUMMMM Thanksgiving

I love everything about Thanksgiving! Yeah, yeah it is July and Nov is many months away. I just can't help it... The season changing, fall decorations, friends and family over. The smell of pumpkin pie candles throughout the house. Can you smell it? Placing the the bale of hay with the scarecrows in the front yard. Oh the joy! Leaves changing colors. Such excitement, I love it!! Yep Kris, I think we might have to do another "early" Thanksgiving dinner!!!! Years ago while stationed in Alaska Kris couldn't wait for Thanksgiving to come. SO we had us an early Thanksgiving, it was wonderful. Nothing better then celebrating 2 Thanksgivings in a year! HAPPY EARLY THANKSGIVING TO EVERYONE... It is never to early to start thinking what all you are thankful for this year. I for one have lots to be thankful for.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

What I love (sarcasm)

These are a couple of examples that makes my butt hurt.

Telemarketers at 8 a.m.. Walking through a yard stepping in dog poo. Commercials on the radio. Rude cashiers. Car sales associates, no such thing as just wanting to look. Cantaloupe. Outside people suggesting what is the best thing I should do for Ryan and Kiersten. Burning Dinner. Falling in the shower, hallway, kitchen or anywhere else in my house. Receiving the "bird" while I am driving. Inpatient people. Child molestation, your days of punishment haven't begun. Doctors, they know everything cause their the doctor. Jack Russel's. Having to change the oil every 3,000 miles, before I know it oil is due. My neighbors. Dorito breath enough said. Jar lids that are impossible to open. Our President, I think it's only fair to treat yours the same as you treated mine. Bugs doesn't really matter a bug is a bug. Sugar free drinks. Walmart, they are taking over the little man with their China made everything but yet I find myself in one all the time. Finally the importance of money. It is such a terrible thing how much money effects everything today. Many have said money doesn't make you who you are, nor does it bring you happiness. I disagree and for that I am ashamed.

Monday, July 13, 2009

The pain, the suffering

After gymnastics us and another couple decided to go out to dinner. While saying goodbye Ryan jumped in our car, I was still standing outside with the door opened. For whatever reason Ryan felt it necessary to roll up the window because of the AC. Made no sense what so ever seeing the door was opened. My window was barely cracked and my mouth running 90 miles and hour. I paid no attention that my finger was in the way. Oh the pain. I have had my finger smashed I can't begin to tell you how many times but nothing compares to that pain. It hurt I was in tears. Everyone else was smiling/ laughing.... :( It's ok I think I will pull through this and recover soon. Get well cards and flowers are welcomed.

Ryan, The softer side

In the last couple days life here has been go, go, go. Ryan had previously laid T-Bone steaks and Pork chops in the refrigerator to be thawed for him and Kiersten. With our running here and there we didn't cook the meat within the proper safety time. Here comes Ryan the softer side! He ran out of charcoal so he made a trip to the store. After he threw the meat on the grill I sat and wondered if he was really going to eat this meat. All I could do was think my goodness he is going to be up all night with an upset stomach. Then I hear him say "perfect" as he took a smell. Now he is grabbing the meat and not walking in the house with it but walking around the backyard placing each piece of meat on rocks. We have a couple large rocks in our backyard. I am laughing now. I could not believe what I was seeing. He looked up at me and said " Lisa, I am sure Dozer doesn't want his food mixed with dirt.'' The dogs loved their grilled steaks and pork chops. Ryan is such a softy. :o

Friday, July 10, 2009

Makeup Beauty

Nothing better then having friends over playing makeup beauty back in my younger days. Last night Kiersten's friend Kaitlyn came for a sleep over. It was such a joy watching these young girls play an old favorite! It was so silly listening to them talk explaining to one another the "proper" way to apply eye shadow.

Monday, July 6, 2009


Kiersten doing some research. One day she will regret doing this as much as she does. Oh I can't wait for the days where she is loaded down with homework....... Is that wrong of me?

Friday, July 3, 2009

Random Pictures

These are just a couple of pictures I had in my camera. Kiersten of course acting silly as always.