Kiersten was taking her shower when she started screaming for me. I ran in there with bad thoughts. First thought in my mind was, shit there is a spider on the shower wall. I HATE spiders, I will have to get this damn spider. I opened the curtain and she was holding an empty shampoo bottle. This is how our conversation went.
Kiersten, "Here mom this is all out. You know the man that picks up our trash? Well he will pick up bottles, paper, boxes and cans too."
Me, " Kiersten we recycle all of our cardboard boxes"!
Kiersten, "Mom I know you can do better"
Me, " Well I guess I know what you learned today in school"
Kiersten, " Yep recycling and we need to start doing it."
Then she threw the bottle out of the tub. WHAT? I was drilled by my 6 year old. I was so embarrassed. I am all about recycling. Honestly I am. When Ryan is home we try to do all the correct "helping out the planet" things. Since he has been away I have gotten a little lazy about it. I still do the boxes!! Oh man, I am looking so forward to her learning about smoking!!